The Unicorn Battle Cup is an international startup competition and one of the world largest startup pitch contest.
10 best startups were selected, out of 500 candidates, during the preliminary Unicorn Battles® that took place online covering North America, Latin America, Silicon Valley, Asia, Middle East, Southeastern Asia & Oceania, Africa, Eastern & Western Europe this Spring.
10 startups pitched in the finals, organized by Startup Network, and judged by 50 angel investors and VC’s from all over the world.
After 2 rounds of pitching (one in London and one in San Francisco) Matricelf was announced the winner of the Unicorn Battle Cup.
Matricelf CEO Dr Asaf Toker stated: “This is another small step for us as a company in our long journey to regenerate the future of medicine and help paralyzed patients with Spinal Cord Injury walk again”