We are pleased to announce that we completed another successful usability study with our human implants to bridge spinal cord injury in a live porcine.
Dr Tamar Harel Adar, VP R&D: “We are happy to announce that the implants that we are developing for spinal cord injury were placed successfully at the injured site of a live porcine”.
“The live porcine model mimics the surgical procedure in humans in which local bleeding and CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid) flow may occur”.
In the study we examined the neurosurgical procedure, the application of our implants into a live porcine injured site.
During the study we successfully placed, by two neurosurgeons, implants originated from human tissues, at the injured site and then sutured a dura patch, similar to the one used on humans, to close the dura matter.
Dr Asaf Toker, CEO: “We believe that the results and input from this experiment is an important milestone in the development of our technology and advances us another step in our preparations for future animal studies and human clinical trials.
This achievement is another step that will progress us to fulfil our vision to become a leading Israeli company in regenerative medicine”.